Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Mistakes ladies make in a relationship!

 Pst. Kingsley okonkwo

tonight, i will be telling you all some mistakes ladies make in a relationship. These are facts that i learnt from my Pastor and mentor Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo.The most important thing here is that as a lady don't marry a man or less. 1. the man truly fears and serves the lord actively  and 2. he really loves you. its not for you to love a man,your job is to submit to the man,its the man's job to love you,ladies go about ignoring the man that loves them and looking for another man that they (the ladies) love; and most times the man the woman loves ,don't love them in return.Then the relationship becomes one sided, were she puts in all her effort and gets nothing back and she looses the man that really loved her and eventually the man that she thought she loved..............

i still have alot to say but i have to go to bed, will continue tomorrow, good nite all

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